The campaign, created by AlmapBBDO, features a film in which the relationships between parents and children are shown
Bradesco Vida e Previdencia launched a campaign to make parents and families aware of the importance of financial planning to plan the future of children and young people.
Created by AlmapBBDO, the project features a film in which the relationships between parents and children are shown and how the unforeseen and expected occur throughout life.
The campaign will be broadcast on open TV and subscription channels, in addition to being published on social networks. Prev Jovem Bradesco has publicity on urban furniture, in addition to advertisements in newspapers, magazines and radio spots.
Technical sheet:
PrevJovem Bradesco Seguros
Agency: AlmapBBDO
Advertiser: Bradesco Seguros
Title: Prev Jovem
Product: Bradesco Vida e Previdncia Prev Jovem
President and CEO: Filipe Bartholomeu
CCO: Luiz Sanches, Pernil
Creative Directors: Chagaz and Daniel Oksenberg
Creation: Ingryd Cruz and Fernando Christo
Audiovisual Production: Diego Villas Bas and Charles Nobili
Attendance: Maysa Oliveira, Fabola Loureiro, Yohanna Maia, Camila Reis, Gabriela Leal, Gabrielle Porto, Julia Poio, Leila Santos
Community Manager: Nayara Carvalho
Planning: Sergio Katz, Rafael de Andrade, Natalia Sanches, Lucieide Oliveira, Samy Martins, Larissa Simes, Juliana Nogueira, Larissa Ferreira.
Media: Rafaela Alves, Mel Carvalho, Ana Carolina Campos, Leonardo Montuori, Diego Bonatti, Tatiana Andrade, Svio Figueiredo, Maria Fernanda Tocca, Fernanda Mariano, Milena dos Santos, Maria Fernanda Godoi.
Head of Creative Technology: Lilian Cavallini
Project Lead: Sabrina Ramiles
Project Manager: Luan Henriques
Photographer: Mauricio Nahas
Artbuyer: Tereza Setti, Stephanie Biekarck
Graphic Producer: José Roberto
Graphic Production Coordination: Rose Ribeiro
Image Treatment: Estevam Conidi
Final Art: Anderson Teixeira
Review: Eliana Pavan
Film Producer: PARANOID
Director: LUMO
Executive Producer: Marcel Weckx and Luiz Armesto
Attendance: Karina Vallesi and Arthur Gomes
Production Coordinator: Luiz Armesto and Maf Cicaroni
Coordinating Assistant: Fernanda Hernandez and Camila Aureliano
Signed Directed by: Renata Racy
Dir. Photography: Caetano Salerno
Art Director: Camila Sampaio
Production Director: Nani Matias
Ps Coordination: Carol Fernandes
Color Grading: Ely Silva
Editing: Nathalia Kamura
Post-Production: Grafanhoto Post
Finalizao: Cris Caffaro and Driano Torres
Sound Producer: Cabaret
Musical Producer: Guile Oliveira
Composer: Guilherme Azem
Mixing: Gab Scatolin
Finisher: Cyro Neto
Service: Ingrid Lopes, Flvia Caparelli and Brbara Russiano
Coordination: Verusca Garcia, Chandra Lima, Dbora Mello and Carol Oliveira
Location: Maristane Dresch
Client Approval: Alexandre Nogueira, Ana Claudia Frighetto Gonzalez, Carla Zavarize, Adriana de Alcntara Pacheco