Tnica Antarctica was going to consumers during a party in Rio de Janeiro

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Tnica Antarctica was going to consumers during a party in Rio de Janeiro

The action took place at dawn from the 17th to the 18th of February and continued the brand’s summer campaign, which has “Azulquimia” as its concept.

Tnica Antarctica continued its summer campaign, which has the concept of “Azulquimia”, taking the public to drink drinks in the heights.

In an action at the carnival edition of the We Make Better Days party, from the 17th to the 18th of February, the brand hoisted consumers with the help of a crane so that they had the opportunity to drink the drink and admire the view from above Rio de Janeiro.

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Summer is the moment when Brazilians are more open to new experiences and discoveries. We want to encourage consumers to discover the magic of the Tnica Antarctica bitter. And for this party, we invite people to live a new experience in the heights together with Tnica in the blue sky of Rio de Janeiro, said the brand’s regional marketing coordinator, Catharina Mello.

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