Vogue lana lifestyle platform

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Vogue lana lifestyle platform

With the theme Where are you going in 2023, the platform debuts in April, with a special in the printed magazine

Vogue Brasil announced the launch of a platform that will bring together destinations, experiences and gastronomy, entitled Vogue Lifestyle.

The platform will feature weekly materials on Vogue’s website and social networks, in addition to two printed specials, one in April and the other in October.

With the theme Where are you going in 2023, the debut in the April edition has 20 pages divided between destinations, restaurants and hotels to discover later this year.

Vogue Lifestyle will also rely on the collaboration of a team of columnists composed of the couple Carol Buffara and Pippo Garnero, the professional traveler Camila Guebur, the creator of family travel content Nathalia Dias Gomes, the chef and researcher of Afro diasporic cuisine Aline Chermoul ; the mixologist Neli Pereira and the creator of the first gastronomy course in the country Rosa Moraes.

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