THE BBB 22 started this week, and the sponsors are just as excited for this edition as the viewers. The most famous reality show in Brazil, it has enormous visibility, not only in terms of audience on TV, but also in social networks.
Therefore, competition for shares of sponsorship was high, even with surprising values. To give you an idea, the most expensive sponsorship fee costs R$ 91.9 million. But is it worth investing so much in the BBB?
In order to understand more about why brands invest so heavily in the BBB, and how ROI is calculated, we spoke with, Tannia Bruno, Marketing Director at Seara, a brand present in previous editions, and in 2022.
Check out the interview about Seara on BBB 22:
Why do brands invest so heavily in the BBB?
Our previous participations in the BBB have always yielded excellent results. The partnership with the program connects us with new consumers, audiences and strengthens our relationship with people. We took advantage of the reality show to present the variety and diversity of our portfolio, reinforcing our attributes of flavor, quality and innovation. All of this means that we have a first contact full of experiences with viewers who still don’t know us and want to try our products. Being present in this reality is an opportunity to impact different and varied audiences.
When does planning to sponsor the BBB begin?
We started planning months before the start of the program. In addition, we have an exclusive team, made up of members of the Seara team and the WMcCann, Elife and Raccoon agencies, responsible for following up, monitoring and engaging the program’s actions on social networks in real time. We developed a strategy linked to the broadcasting of the program, relying not only on the products used in the attractions, but also with an online proposal on several content fronts.
Is the main objective of sponsorship to promote the brand, or just to make a profit?
For the reality show, Seara aims to highlight “The most surprising flavors of Seara. At BBB22 and at your home”, and bring viewers a taste of surprise through conversations and experiences that create real-time connections with the public. The partnership with the program also establishes Seara as an innovative brand, the objective is not only to convert, that is, to sell, it is also to be able to put the brand closer to people, creating and participating in the conversations that the program initiates.
How do activations within the program influence consumers?
We create an emotional link with the consumer through surprising and fun actions. We seek connection through experiences that generate conversations, to be connected to them in real time. This feeds the consumer’s desire to feel part of the brand’s universe, to know its values, to experiment and be surprised by our products and flavors. With the program we generate conversations and open another channel for communication.
Is ROI realized right after the program?
The biggest return of the program sponsorship for the brand is the strong connection with the public, in addition to the opportunity to present the variety and diversity of our portfolio, reinforcing our attributes of flavor, quality and innovation.
What is the relationship between ROI and the digital medium during the program?
In the last edition, we took six actions to the program, two of them with product launches. The actions directed viewers to Loja Seara, via QR Code. In one of the actions, it was conquered the #3 place in the Twitter Trending Topic, for example.
What are the expectations for the sponsorship of BBB 22?
We hope to reap good results. For strategic reasons, we cannot advance the activations that will be presented at BBB22, but we can say that Seara’s participation in the attraction will be enhanced with creative, unprecedented and surprising actions, which promise to mobilize the fans of the program in front of the TV screen and digital environments. At different times throughout the BBB22, Seara will carry out tastings, meal experiences and other activations. In addition, it will intensify conversations about attraction with its consumers, on different social networks, connecting fans and the brand.
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