Advertising fraternity promotes new meeting

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Advertising fraternity promotes new meeting

Clube dos 100 Amigos celebrated another festive lunch in So Paulo

A fraternity that promotes reviews among professionals from various generations in the communications market held another festive lunch. The meeting took place last Thursday (19), and was coordinated by the group’s general secretary, Wagner Yoshihara. The stage this time was the Faria Bar & Brasa restaurant, in So Paulo. The 100 Friends Club was created in 1998, with the aim of keeping the historical roots of the advertising industry alive.

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Clube dos 100 Amigos during a festive lunch at the Faria Bar & Brasa restaurant
100 12
Josh Francisco, Nelson Gomes, Angelo Franzo and Duilio Malfatti
100 11
Otto Vidal, Paulo Chueiri, Wagner Yoshihara, Antoninho Rossini, Jos Maurcio, Alceu Gandini and Geraldo Leite
100 1
Nelson Gomes and Francisco Marin
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Angelo Franzo and Duilio Malfatti
100 3
Luiz Casali and José Francisco
100 8
Otto Barros Vidal Jr. e Paulo Chueiri
100 4
Prsio Pisani and Paulo Gregoraci
100 5
Antonio Toledano and Orlando Marques
100 7
Wagner Yoshihara e Antoninho Rossini
100 6
Luiz Casali and Hiran Castello Branco
100 9
Jos Maurcio, Alceu Gandini and Geraldo Leite
100 1 1
Luiz Casali, Wagner Yoshihara and Antoninho Rossini
100 2 1
The Brotherhood aims to keep the historical roots of the advertising industry alive.

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