The last quarter is the period in which advertising agencies set goals and define action strategies for the next year.
The year is approaching its end and it is time for companies to plan for 2024. Several variables are taken into account to define continuity and/or changes for the next year. The economic situation and the consequent forecast of how the market will behave are, without a doubt, priorities. But new things always appear and bring with them management challenges. In this field, emphasis is placed on the use of new technologies, such as the use of AI tools and the implementation of ESG policies, with diversity, inclusion and environment issues becoming more strategic every day in the corporate world.
Another factor that weighs in defining goals is politics, both at a local and global level. Brazil, in this regard, is currently experiencing a climate of apparent calm, but when it comes to forecasts, a crystal ball would be welcome, as Brasilia’s mood can change from one day to the next. On the international scene, heavy clouds herald a stormy year ahead: the war in Ukraine shows no signs of an outcome in the short or medium term. And the terrorist attacks on the 6th, in Israel, once again exploded that always unstable region. In today’s globalized world, where production, commercial and financial chains are closely linked, these conflicts have the power to destabilize any planning, even in distant places, such as Brazil.
The advertising market is no exception when it comes time to plan the next year’s steps. Agencies have already put their teams into real brainstorming to define goals and strategies for 2024.
O propmark heard executives from some of the main Brazilian agencies about future plans. They answered the following questions: How does the agency organize discussions about action planning and funding for the next year? Generally, how long does it take to complete this plan? How is this dynamic? Which leaders are involved in planning? What is taken into consideration? How important is the economic situation in decisions? How do the agencies’ market context, clients’ circumstances and social issues influence the plan? What criteria define the people management strategy, considering the budget allocated for hiring? What tools and technologies should be acquired to increase the agency’s quality and operational fluidity? Should artificial intelligence resources drive investments in 2024? Can you anticipate an estimate for attracting new talent in 2024, given that human capital is one of the agencies’ main investments? What are the other investment pillars?
(Credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash)
Read the full article in the October 23, 2023 edition