Pinterest releases platform trends for the holiday season

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Pinterest releases platform trends for the holiday season

“A New Generation of Celebration” report details how party habits have changed

In partnership with GWI, Pinterest is launching new research to help guide advertisers this holiday season and better understand their audiences. Key insights include:

  • Less traditional events are putting new motivations on the map: More than ever, people are planning events to express their identity, recognize personal achievements and impress others. Gen Z in particular is taking time to celebrate the everyday, with Pinterest searches for “house parties” (+260% y/y) and “work party snacks” (+290% y/y );
  • Personal applause: aPeople are investing in themselves with special moments of self-care, with searches for “princess treatment” up 595% and “solo date ideas” up 545%. This emerging type of celebration is driven by individuals marking personal achievements and holding space for introspection;
  • Relaxed celebrations as a form of escape: With financial pressures weighing on the world of celebrations, the relaxed atmosphere is on the rise. Even big events like weddings are changing, with two-thirds of US/UK consumers looking to get married saying they plan to establish their own wedding traditions;
  • Celebration of culture: These are the most seasonal times, often centered around religious, community or cultural groups. With searches for ‘summer solstice party’ up 245% and ‘Halloween party games’ up 85%, hosts are looking for fresh ideas and unusual twists, combining creativity with nostalgia.
  • Significant celebrations: mMore organizers are turning to guests to help co-create events. People are asking others to contribute creatively and even financially. Last year, 41% of hosts celebrated a themed birthday, and events like colorful dinners or gothic dinners invite guests to dress a certain way, share ideas, or bring something to boost the party’s aesthetics.

Research shows that Pinterest is the #1 social media platform used to plan events. As advertisers look to be discovered during these key planning moments, there is a natural alignment with users looking to brands to inspire their next purchase. Three in four holiday shoppers on Pinterest discover new brands and products during the holiday season.

“Celebrations are more than just moments. They have a place of honor in the ebb and flow of our lives and Pinterest is where people come to plan and turn those special plans into reality,” said Daron Sharps, head of insights at Pinterest.

The report also included each country’s most distinctive celebrations and reasons for celebration. In Brazil, first place is a sports match/game, to recognize a personal achievement. And secondly, new family members, for my personal well-being/happiness.

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