Fausto Vanin, co-founder ofOnePercent, an activist in the use of technologies for the upliftment of black Brazilian people for years and works on causes related to the reduction of inequalities, social and environmental impact. And with the aim of connecting projects from the black community, OnePercent, a company specializing in the development of Web3/Blockchain solutions, announces the launch of more BlackWeb3. The initiative seeks to promote, through technology, innovations with the potential for social, economic and cultural transformation for the black community.
Akoma was created for the black Brazilian, African and Afro-diasporic community. We want to build a space to promote survival technologies and enhance ancestral connections through the use of tokenization and other blockchain technologies, explains Fausto.
To choose projects that will be included on the Rarum platform, a public call is open for interested parties to submit their ideas for analysis. Registration can be done through the website akoma.rarum.io.
The platformRare, the company’s blockchain solution, will be used to create innovation spaces for impact projects, businesses, cultural centers and events. Akoma also targets experiences for communities through benefits, encouraging crypto art in NFTs, and products and services.
The Akoma Ntoaso concept, a symbol of Adinkra philosophy, means the connection between hearts, agreement. Rarum is a loyalty and engagement, that is, it values communities and provides business development within the platform, which can be carried out by the chosen projects. This is something that interacts positively with the construction of consensus models in Web3, in blockchain technologies. We want the black community to be present in this new digital environment and our expectations are the best possiblethe Vanin project.
*Cape photo: Divulgao/OnePercent
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