Piece signed by the Gallery aims to follow the segment’s strategy of connecting with the interests of the sports fan public
After announcing the renewal of the sponsorship of the Miami Open, Ita presented the name of the new athlete who will stand alongside Bia Haddad in the Ita Personalitt campaigns, Carlos Alcatraz.
The young Spanish athlete is the star of the campaign that maintains the “Always on the move” concept, which debuted during the Jornal Nacional break this Monday (18).
The piece, signed by Galeria, shows Alcaraz moving on the court, while his voiceover highlights the similarity of his skills with the differences of Ita Personnalit and reflects on his performance, emphasizing that “no challenge is too big for those who are prepared and have the best team”.
“The high-income segment is one of our strategic priorities and we know that this audience is extremely demanding and attentive, which is why it is essential that we are constantly evolving to meet new needs and surprise our customers both in terms of offering value and in the way we express ourselves. Being simple and innovating, maintaining excellence in service, is a premise for Ita Personnalit to be prepared for the future and this is what we want to show with this movement inaugurated by Alcaraz”, stated Eduardo Tracanella, CMO of Ita Unibanco.
Alcaraz’s presence in the new campaign follows the segment’s strategy of connecting with the interests of this audience and connecting the Personnalit brand to the narrative launched by Ita in celebration of its 100th anniversary.
“The Ita Personnalit campaign continues to invest in high performance now with Carlos Alcaraz, an athlete who symbolizes the future of tennis. Dynamism, strategy and teamwork are some of the attributes in common between athlete and bank in this new Personnalit movement”, explains Rafael Urenha, Chief Creative Officer of the Gallery.
The debut of the campaign was also marked by the simultaneous launch of another production broadcast on ESPN, starring Alcaraz and Bia Haddad Maia. The film, which promotes Ita Unibanco’s master sponsorship of the tournament, simulates a tennis game between the two athletes.
During the international event, the campaign will be enhanced with Out-of-Home (OOH) media deployments in Brazil and Miami, including in-car advertising via apps in the North American city. The initiative will also rely on digital action, using geolocation for Brazilians who are in Miami. Ita Personnalit’s Instagram will momentarily transform into an exclusive content channel about tennis, offering coverage during the sports tournament.