The expectation is to grow 10% in events throughout the year
Fazenda Velocitta, a space and events in Mogi Guaçu, in the interior of São Paulo, held 11 events in the first quarter of 2024, with a total audience of over 10 thousand people. As a result, the expectation is for a 10% growth in the production of new events and in the average number of participants when compared to the previous year. The venue is intended for shows, business events and sporting activities, with emphasis on motorsport. Last year, the biggest event held at the venue was Stock Car. Still in 2023, the space hosted another 88 events and, due to the location’s multifunctional areas, the meetings covered corporate activities, conventions, recordings of TV and YouTube programs, defensive driving training, driving clinics, races, relationship events , get-togethers, etc. The Farm has a stage for shows, a race track, an off-road circuit – built based on the natural geography of the land – as well as roads and trails, which are used for different types of rallies, hiking, foot races and bike rides.