Alberto Lopes leaves Vetor Zero

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Alberto Lopes leaves Vetor Zero

The production company’s operations continue to be led by Sergio Salles, Gabriel Nóbrega, Alceu Baptistão and Mateus de Paula Santos

Vetor Zero announced that Alberto Lopes has left the operation, in which he was a partner since 1989 when he took on the challenge of bringing advertising production to the routine of the pioneering 3D animation studio founded by Sergio Salles and Alceu Baptistão.

“Over the years, I stopped working as an executive producer and became a corporate executive. What I always liked about the profession was the day-to-day, being involved in creation and production and being able to contribute creatively to projects with a producer’s perspective. Our operation grew so much that I ended up moving away from what really motivates me,” says now former partner Alberto Lopes.

Vetor’s operation continues to be led by Sergio Salles, known as Serginho, multi-artist and director Gabriel Nóbrega, Alceu Baptistão and Mateus de Paula Santos, who heads the animation studio from New York.

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