With a squad chosen by Mynd, the piece aims to give tips for buying and letting go of products through the website
OLX is launching the new phase of the “Who never?” campaign alongside influencers such as Pequena Lo and Rafa Chalub, who will be responsible for giving tips on buying and letting go of products through the website.
The ad, created by AlmapBBDO, revisits the slogan “let go” and argues that, in addition to selling, those who choose to buy a used product through OLX are making a smart choice. In addition to Rafa, the ad features Dona Deia, Fred Bruno and Lúcio Mauro Filho.
The team of influencers is completed with three more names that will help the brand to redefine the perception of the product used, give safety and ad creation tips, bring ideas on how to undertake using OLX, in addition to, of course, promoting several products found on the platform, namely Jerffersom, Thais Braz and Fernanda Taveira.
“Influencers have always been an essential part of our brand strategy, but in 2024 we decided to form a squad that would deeply connect with OLX’s identity, creating long-term relationships capable of promoting greater engagement and more authentic and consistent content,” said Sanny Manhães, Head of Brand and Communication at OLX Group.
The brand’s squad was hired by Mynd, which was also responsible for management, planning and establishing the connection between content creators and the brand.