Casas Bahia brings Beatriz Reis to present the “Discount of the discount”

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Casas Bahia brings Beatriz Reis to present the “Discount of the discount”

Action, signed by Pullse, invites the consumer to negotiate directly with a salesperson in the store

Casas Bahia is announcing the launch of a campaign that aims to present the company’s promotions, which will be valid until July 25th.

The piece, signed by Pullse and produced by Studio Fly, stars former BBB Beatriz Reis for the second time and is titled “Discount of the discount”, referring to the catchphrase “Brazil of Brazil”, which became famous because of the participant. The sound was provided by Fuzzr Audio.

The campaign invites consumers to negotiate directly with a salesperson in the store, face to face, and will be publicized on both TV and social media.

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