Fazenda Futuro expands partnerships

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Fazenda Futuro expands partnerships

With the aim of expanding its business, the brand joins forces with TotalPass and the Di Blasi franchise

Fazenda Futuro has established two new partnerships with the aim of expanding its business. The brand has combined its products with TotalPass and the Rio de Janeiro pizzeria chain Di Blasi.

With TotalPass, the partnership is being developed through recipe videos and other collaborative content for social media. Consumers will have access to healthy and innovative recipes using Fazenda Futuro products, presented by TotalPass nutritionist Camila Dziegiecki on the Total Food program. The collaboration will focus on São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

The partnership with the Di Blasi franchise foresees that Fazenda Futuro will act as a supplier of plant-based proteins for vegan pizzas. Di Blasi will use Fazenda Futuro products in recipes, providing tasting counters at all events held throughout the year.

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