Streetwise wins Reckitt OOH account

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Streetwise wins Reckitt OOH account

Agency will be responsible for the company’s entire brand strategy

Streetwise is Reckitt Comercial’s new out-of-home communications agency. The account was won through a competition, which included the participation of at least two other finalist agencies.

The company is now responsible for the entire OOH strategy of brands controlled by Reckitt Comercial, including planning, creation and management of the advertiser’s media.

“The OOH market has evolved a lot in recent years and we at Streetwise understand that it is increasingly essential to have a strategic view of how to develop the medium with all its possibilities. Having the opportunity to work for a company as important as Reckitt Comercial only shows that our positioning as specialists is on the right track”, says Daniel Jotta, partner and CBO of the agency.

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