Podcast created by Teads in partnership with MMA, featured the participation of Kelly Dores, editor-in-chief of propmarkand Giacomo Groff, from Africa Creative, moderated by João Faria, from Marcas & Consumidores
In partnership with the MMA (Mobile Marketing Association), Teads created the podcast ‘What now, advertising?’, focusing on crucial issues for an engaged and responsible performance of the marketing, media and advertising ecosystem. The first in the series covers the theme ‘Professional journalism and the fight against disinformation’. The recording featured the participation of Kelly Dores, editor-in-chief of propmark, and Giacomo Groff, VP strategy at Africa Creative, moderated by João Faria, journalist and publisher of Marcas & Consumidores (Rádio Eldorado/Estadão).
The debate revolved around the importance of trade media outlets in providing true information to the advertising market and also about what brands are doing to combat misinformation. The consensus was that everyone needs to come together to support the movement against fake news, which causes financial and emotional harm, among others. The guests also spoke about the importance of reporting fake news; what companies have been doing to improve their communication processes; the role of agencies in verifying the content offered by channels and the use of artificial intelligence in advertising. The other podcasts in the series have the following themes: ‘Sustainability’; ‘Psychological safety’ and ‘Diversity & inclusion’. The episodes will premiere in September on Deezer, Spotify, YouTube, The Marketing Future Today and the social networks of Teads and MMA.