The Juju introduces new members of its creative team

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The Juju introduces new members of its creative team

Rayane Santos, Johnny Jorge and Ayane Samba join the art team, and Monise Reis and Tamires Oliveira take over as writers

The Juju announced the hiring of five new creatives for the agency’s team, which is part of the Untold_ ecosystem.

With 7 years of experience in the area of ​​Communication & Design, Rayane Santos (ex-Oliver) arrives to act as art director, alongside Jonny Jorge (ex-MRM Brasil) and Ayane Samba (ex-Suno United Creators).

To work as copywriters, the agency hired Monise Reis (ex-MRM Brasil) and Tamires Oliveira (ex-Suno United Creators).

The professionals arrive to contribute to the construction of brands for the agency’s clients, such as Bayer, Santa Helena, H2OH! and 99Pay.

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