Itaú announces partnership with Rebeca Andrade

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Itaú announces partnership with Rebeca Andrade

The institution has not yet revealed details about the actions with the gymnast.

Itaú Unibanco announced an official partnership with gymnast Rebeca Andrade for the next four years in a post on LinkedIn. The bank has not yet revealed information about the partnership with the athlete.

“Rebeca is made for the future. Being by her side in her next steps in life is our commitment to strengthening sports in Brazil, but also to leveraging new opportunities and plans that have barely been sketched out on paper. What we are going to build with her is what we want to build with every client and every #ituber: a bright, long-lasting and prosperous future,” celebrated Milton Maluhy Filho, CEO of Itaú Unibanco in a post on LinkedIn.

Credit: Disclosure/COB

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