Work presents fundamental theoretical basis on the out-of-home advertising market
Rodrigo Kallas, CEO of Kallas Mídia OOH, and Elson Teixeira, professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), launched the book “Marketing from Classic to Digital: OOH and the Path to Success”, by Editora Senac.
The work presents a fundamental theoretical basis for understanding the out-of-home (OOH) advertising market, filling a gap in relation to technical and specialized information about OOH in Brazil, which makes it an important ally for professionals in the field, researchers and academics. marketing, advertising, propaganda and communication in general.
“Having a book about the out-of-home market has always been one of my big dreams. I am very happy with the publication of such pertinent and relevant content for the outdoor media market and which will also contribute to the training of professionals, as well like me, passionate about this segment. Professor Elson Teixeira’s collaboration was essential for this great idea to become a reality”, comments Rodrigo Kallas, CEO of Kallas Mídia OOH.
The autograph night took place on the 21st, at the Livraria da Vila da Alameda Lorena, in São Paulo. The event was attended by family, friends and professionals in the advertising market.