Mentos gives his version of how internet memes came to be

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Mentos gives his version of how internet memes came to be

The #MeMentos campaign was created by VMLY&R and is present on the brand’s digital channels

This Friday (13), Meme Day is celebrated and to celebrate the date, Mentos launched the #MeMentos campaign, to tell its version of how classic memes emerged.

The campaign was created by VMLY&R and shows that every meme was born from a moment with Mentos.

The initiative is present on the brand’s digital channels, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, and invites its followers to share “what #meMentos are you?”

During the year, the brand will feature several pieces of communication and activations about the universe of memes, with the aim of dialoguing with its followers in a fun and relaxed way.

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