Known for bringing multiple artistic and social languages to its events, Cycle became one of the most relevant collectives in the Curitiba scene. Primarily underground, its events escape the traditionalism that the parties in the capital of Paraná usually deliver to the public.
With a strong social positioning, the nucleus has been aligning an extreme quality delivery with actions aimed at the reintegration of groups that essentially created the entire techno culture during its birth.
The next event will be no different and we can expect news. On the 11/06th, the Ciclo collective presents a unique event format for Curitiba. There will be two parties that will take place in the same structure. Starting at 18:30, the Chama Kiki Ball takes place, a celebration of cultura ballroom which ends at 22:00. In the second phase of the night, Inendeia takes place, an edition of Ciclo that will feature a lineup filled with relevant names from the current scene, starting at 23:00 and going until 08:00.
The two events, which had an exemplary graphic presentation made by the artist mivi.etake place in the same structure in a place not far from the city center, with easy access by uber, bus or own transport.
The structure of the event will have a covered, safe space, with parking and unprecedented in the night of Curitiba. Despite keeping the location a secret until the day of the event, the collective promises that the place will be one of the great attractions of this edition. Both events will feature company lighting The Concept and with Ciclo’s bar, which is supported by Becks and from Jägermeistercommanded by Leticia Ramosa member of the collective.
In addition, we know that Curitiba is usually one of the coldest places in the country during winter. Bearing this in mind, the collective brings a clothing campaign to the events. With storage on the day and place of the event, every 3 pieces of clothing or a blanket the participant will be entitled to a drink at the party bar.
That’s right, there will be a Ball!
Ballroom culture has been broad, political and a space of affection, security and resistance for LGBTQI+ people since the 1960s. The ball is the event where this is celebrated and put into practice. This culture is starting to gain strength in Brazil, and access to the production of events aimed at this audience is a major challenge for producers in the southern Brazilian scene.
Ciclo seeks to assist in the process of expanding this culture by acting in partnership with the community Ballrom PRwho conceived the Chama Kiki Ball.
How will Chama Kiki Ball be composed?
Chanter/Mc: Enchanted Body
Jury: Alessa Harpya, Camylla 007, Princess Brunessa Candeces, Mother Diameyka Odara e Father Then Harpya
Djs: gannet, Barbie Pluz Size
Hostess: Mix
techno fire
Even with this partnership, we can’t expect less than Ciclo’s techno, right? And in this edition it’s good to be prepared, because the line up is a delight for those who like imposing percussions and dense melodies. Bringing local and foreign names, both djs and performers, Inendeia promises to be one of the biggest events of the collective in terms of structure and also musically.
How will Ciclo Inendeia be composed?
Djs: Alboitt, Alex Buueno, gannet, Deadline, Gangrene, Gustav:s B2B Kelvyn Giller, Lolo Bortholacci e Nicole Lukiys
Performers: Jaiussa, Matatheusa, Luccve e Santa Jonas
A good event is one that everyone can go to
Accessibility is a very important point for Ciclo and the collective seeks to improve and expand it with each event it holds. For this edition, the events started with prices of R$ 20.00 for the ball and R$ 30.00 for incendia, with lots seeking a not too sudden increase in ticket prices. In addition, access lists for trans, nb and black people were made available for both events.
The post Here comes the next Cycle appeared first on DNEWS.